Job Pt 3 - Seeking Light in the Darkness

Begins April 9-11, 2024
$60; $30 youth

Tuesday 7:15PM (Stratford)

Wednesday 7:15PM LIVE Zoom

Thursday 1:15PM (Kitchener)

Thursday 7:15PM (Kitchener)

Online Only


As Job begins to engage his friends, he finds himself totally unable to understand what God is doing and why. His friends come to help him with their conventional wisdom and quick answers, confident that they will help Job to see the light and respond correctly.

However, Job rejects their answer. What Job needs is light in his darkness, and yet there is none to be found from his friends. But God was faithfully at work in the life of Job, to humble him so that he would seek God in his confusion and find his hope in Him alone.

We too will only find them in God alone.

Come and join us as we wrestle along with Job and his friends, and discover that God alone has the answers and hope we need.

Even if you did not take Parts 1 & 2, please consider joining us for Part 3!


John Gould

John has been a student of God’s Word for many years and has a deep love and sense of awe for the Scriptures. He loves to share the truths of God’s Word so that His people may grow in their love for their Saviour and live a faithful life of obedience unto Him.

John and his wife Joy are parents of four children and make their home in Stratford, Ontario.